#024: Make new skills stick

A simple technique to master skill stacking

Read time: 4 minutes

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Thursday, Feb 22 at 12pm ET

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It takes anywhere between 30 and 60 repetitions to solidify a new skill.

This newsletter will share a simple technique to make it easier.

To fully appreciate the concept of “skill stacking” and its relevance to sales training, let’s consider the process of mastering a golf swing. If you tried to learn everything simultaneously it would be completely overwhelming. Take the following concepts as an example:

  • Ensuring your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to the target line.

  • Finding the right grip pressure for control without tension.

  • Maintaining a straight lead arm throughout the swing for consistency.

  • Allowing the head to move naturally while keeping your gaze fixed on the ball.

  • Shifting your weight smoothly for power and balance.

  • Proper wrist hinge for increased swing speed and distance.

  • Initiating the downswing with your hips for a strong foundation.

  • Finishing with your body facing the target for full rotation.

  • Maintaining clubface alignment for accurate shots.

  • Developing a consistent swing rhythm and speed.

Attempting to improve each of these skills at the same time would be impossible. That’s too many ideas in your head at a given moment when you need to execute a swing.

Skill Stacking

The concept of skill stacking offers a solution to this challenge. It's a methodical approach that involves focusing on one micro-skill at a time, mastering it through repetition, and then gradually adding another skill to your repertoire. This technique ensures that each skill is deeply ingrained, leading to a more robust and reliable set of abilities.

Imagine focusing solely on aligning your stance in golf until it becomes second nature. Once you've mastered that, you then proceed to the next skill, such as moderating grip pressure. This sequential learning process is precisely what skill stacking in sales entails.

By concentrating on one aspect of sales at a time, you build a solid foundation of expertise, which enhances your overall performance. Then you want to improve that baseline skill, you can easily add to your existing knowledge.

The Sales Skill Stacking Strategy

To apply skill stacking to sales skills, start by conducting a self-assessment to identify the skills that need improvement. Consider which skills, once enhanced, would have the most significant impact at the earliest stage of your sales funnel. This focus ensures that improvements made at the foundational level amplify your effectiveness throughout the entire sales process.

For example, if your initial outreach could use refinement, focus on crafting compelling emails or making better cold calls. If you’re not converting enough people from the first meeting to the second meeting, focus on your discovery skills.

Once you identify the skill you need to improve, you need to use it 30-60 times in real-life scenarios for it to stick. It likely won’t work the first time or even the 10th. But you need to keep practicing until it becomes 2nd nature,

Once you feel confident with that skill, move on to the next skill, such as improving your presentation techniques or closing strategies.

Self-Reflection and Growth Mindset

Sales professionals often fall into one of two categories: those who believe they've mastered all necessary skills and those who recognize the need for continual improvement. If you find yourself in the first category, it's worth questioning whether a fixed mindset is limiting your potential. Reflect on your performance honestly. Have you consistently met your sales targets, or are there areas where you could improve? If you find yourself blaming the market or product, you’re likely stuck in a fixed mindset.

For those who are committed to growth, identify one to three micro-skills that need improvement. Focus on learning and applying each new skill 30 to 60 times in real scenarios before considering the next skill. This focused practice is key to ensuring that each new capability is effectively integrated into your sales approach.

Skill Stacking Process

  1. Identify Your Starting Point: Determine the most impactful skill to improve first. Consider skills that will make a significant difference early in your sales process.

  2. Learn the Skill: Find a course or training program that will teach you what you need to learn and apply to be successful.

  3. Practice and Apply: Dedicate yourself to practicing the chosen skill in real-life sales scenarios. Aim for 30 to 60 repetitions to ensure the skill is solidly embedded.

  4. Reflect and Adjust: After mastering one skill, take time to reflect on your progress. Identify the next skill that will build upon your current abilities and address it with the same focused approach.

  5. Seek Feedback: Engage with peers and managers to get feedback on your performance. External perspectives can provide valuable insights and highlight areas for further improvement.

  6. Stay Committed: Skill stacking requires persistence and dedication. Stay committed to continuous learning and improvement, recognizing that mastery is a journey, not a destination.

The Power of Persistence

Embracing the skill-stacking approach in sales demands patience and perseverance. Just as a golfer doesn't master the perfect swing overnight, a sales professional won't refine their skill set in a single day. The key to success lies in persistent, focused effort and a commitment to continuous learning.

Skill stacking is not just a strategy for improvement; it's a philosophy that encourages a growth mindset, resilience, and the pursuit of mastery.

By adopting this methodical approach to skill development, you'll not only enhance your sales capabilities but also build a foundation for sustained success in your career.

Episode 11: [Sales] How to stand out in the hiring process with James Higgins

  • The challenges for hiring managers

  • The best hires are "comfortable but curious"

  • How to stand out in the hiring process

  • Be proactive in working with recruiters

  1. Succession for Reps: A skill development platform for life science sales reps who want to improve their sales skills, exceed their quota, and take the next step in their career.

  2. Succession for Teams: If you’re a sales leader who’s frustrated with reps living in reactive mode and either not proactively generating new opportunities or letting prospects go dark, reach out to learn more about our team plans.

  3. Strategy Call: Need more than training? Want help implementing and executing your sales strategy? In a 30-minute call, we will assess your company’s current situation and identify growth opportunities.


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