#059: How stories can win deals

Transform Your Sales Pitch and Create Lasting Connections

Read time: 3 minutes

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Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in just six words. His response? 

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” In just a few words, he captured a world of emotion, intrigue, and depth.

In sales, the same principle applies. While we may not be writing six-word stories, we do have the opportunity to use storytelling to create deep connections, make our message more memorable, and convey the true impact of what we offer.

In today’s world, where data drives decisions, it’s easy to get caught up in numbers, reports, and facts. But as humans, we’ve been sharing our world, educating each other, and relating through stories since the dawn of civilization. The power of storytelling isn’t just for the creative industries; in data-heavy sectors like life sciences, storytelling is essential to making our insights relatable, memorable, and—ultimately—actionable.

Why Storytelling is Crucial in Sales

Sales is more than presenting features and benefits; it’s about creating a connection with your audience. In industries like life sciences, where products and technologies can be complex, storytelling becomes the bridge that helps translate technical data into something that resonates with your audience on a personal and emotional level. When you tie your data to a story, you share a narrative that conveys the meaning of your product in a way that’s engaging and, more importantly, memorable.

Let me share an example that truly shows the power of storytelling in action.

A Real-Life Story of Success Through Storytelling

I was working with a client who needed critical data for an upcoming board meeting. The problem? The data from the product they originally requested would take 12 weeks to gather, but their deadline was in just 10 weeks. Without this data, they risked losing the next round of funding. To complicate things, they had multiple experiments to run, which made the timeline even tighter.

I could have simply pointed them to our catalogue of services and timelines, but instead, I shared a story of another client who had faced a similar dilemma. We offered them an alternative product that delivered the required data in just 6 weeks, at a lower cost. With the savings, they were able to run four times the number of projects they had initially planned—resulting in more data, in less time, and ultimately securing their funding.

That story didn’t just sell a product; it sold a solution. The client trusted our recommendation because they saw the impact it had on another company, and that story became a key piece in how we positioned ourselves to future clients as well.

The Science of Storytelling in Life Sciences

Data is important, but data alone isn’t always enough to make your point. Here’s an example of how storytelling can completely change the way you communicate complex information.

  • Before storytelling: "iPSCs can differentiate into any somatic cell type, allowing us to access material previously unavailable, such as neurons. See the data on differentiation."

  • With storytelling: "Large pharmaceutical companies wasted billions on neurodegenerative research without success, leading to the closure of entire research sites in the early 2000s. Then came a breakthrough—Yamanaka’s discovery of iPSCs. Suddenly, we had the tools to generate patient disease models in a dish. Researchers could study not just the endpoints of neurodegenerative diseases but also their progression in real-time. Now, neuro research is one of the fastest-growing sectors in biotech. This is the power of the right model—changing lives, outcomes, and industries."

The difference? The story adds context, urgency, and relevance, transforming dry data into something that captures the imagination and drives home the real-world impact of the technology.

The Key Elements of a Good Story in Sales

For a story to resonate in a sales pitch, it needs to follow a clear structure. The most effective stories share four key elements:

  1. The problem: What challenge was the customer facing?

  2. The impact: How was this problem affecting their business or goals?

  3. The solution: What did you provide to solve the problem?

  4. The outcome: What emotional or practical change occurred as a result?

When these elements come together, your story not only informs but also creates a connection that your audience will remember long after the meeting ends.

How to Improve Your Storytelling Skills

Like any skill, storytelling gets better with practice. The best way to enhance your storytelling ability is to:

  • Practice regularly: Incorporate stories into your everyday interactions with clients and colleagues.

  • Share often: Every client success is a story waiting to be told. The more you share, the easier it becomes to refine your narrative.

  • Stay genuine: The most compelling stories are authentic. They connect on an emotional level, reflecting the real-world impact your product or service has had on someone’s life or business.

Final Thoughts

Storytelling is not just an optional extra in your sales toolkit—it’s a powerful tool to communicate value in a way that your audience will remember, relate to, and act on. Whether you’re selling a groundbreaking scientific model or a simple solution to a complex problem, a story can be the difference between closing the deal and losing the opportunity

Episode 48: [Sales] 5 Skills Needed to Sell in Today's Environment

  • Relentless Prospecting

  • Deliver Expert Insights

  • Align Your Solution to High-Priority Initiatives

  • Demonstrate Differentiated Value

  • Build Decision Consensus

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