#041: Email templates and personalization

Here are a few email templates you can steal

Read time: 3 minutes

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Our podcast episode dropping on Tuesday was with Michael Adeniya and we talk all about different strategies to get more from your events.

Events are a cornerstone of life science sales. But too many companies and reps just go through the motions and wonder why they don’t get great results.

We’re going to help you rethink the ROI of events so you can squeeze the most out of each on you attend.

You won’t want to miss this one.

Join us on June 25th at 11 ET.

Last week I added a poll to the newsletter asking for what type of content you wanted more of. The majority said prospecting!

So here are some really tactical tips you can use on Monday.

The 3 most impactful changes you can make to your prospecting are:

  1. Them vs You

  2. Short emails

  3. Personalize

Most prospecting emails are all about you. But nobody cares about you. Your prospects care about solving their own pain points and problems.

Most emails are read on mobile devices and nobody has the time to read an essay about everything your company does. Keep your emails under 125 (ideally 100) words and send a test email to yourself to see what it looks like on your phone.

Most people hate cold emails because they aren’t personalized or relevant to them. So go above and beyond and actually personalize your message to who you’re reaching out to. It’s the only way to stand out in the sea of sameness that is everyone’s inbox.

The best way to operationalize these into your prospecting is to use email templates for points 1 and 2 and use AI for point 3.

Here are a few email templates you can steal.

Email Templates

My favorite template is the 4P framework. Read more about why this works.

  • Personalize: A unique observation that is relevant to the person you are reaching out to.

  • Problem: Call out a likely problem they are facing that relates to the observation.

  • Propose: Show them how you can uniquely solve that problem.

  • Prompt: Soft call-to-action that invites a response.

Hi Jane,

How are you accurately modeling Wilson’s disease in-vitro? If you’re using HepG2s you could be missing out on critical data.

New protocols for iPSC-derived hepatocytes can provide results similar to primary cells without the hassle of acquiring and working with primary cells.

We have Wilson’s disease models already built or can create a custom model based on your specific needs.

Interested in seeing the data?

Here is a great follow-up email that’s short, value-driven, and shows how you’ve solved a problem for another customer like them.

Hi {first_name},

If we could help you get {result} in {time}, without {thing they hate doing} like we did for another {company name or type}, would you be interested in speaking?

Hi Jane,

If we could help you get a CRISPR edited disease model in 4 weeks, without having to do any lab work like we did for another small biotech studying liver disease, would you be interested in speaking?

This template focuses on the status quo of what they’re doing today and shows them how they can avoid all those laborious steps to get their desired result.


Noticed {personalized first line}.

What people hate about {status quo process you make better} is {annoying thing 1}, {annoying thing 2}, {annoying thing 3}, etc.

With {your company}, you can {do a simple thing} and get {desired outcome}.

Think this might help?

Hi Jane,

Noticed you and the team at Fate are doing a lot of iPSC editing.

What most people hate about doing CRISPR is the process of buying reagents, optimizing transfection, sequencing, hours of laborious cloning, etc.

With Company, you tell us your project details and get your edited cells in a couple of weeks. Go straight to your assay without the extra lab work.

Think this might help?

Sometimes you get a reply but then they ghost you and you don’t end up booking the meeting. Here’s an email you can use to get it back on track.

Hi Jane,

You had some interest in solving {problem from your email}.

Maybe things have changed since I haven’t heard back in bit? If that’s the case let me know and absolutely no worries at all.

Templates like these help you keep your message short and focused on your buyer because it’s built into the framework.

If you’re trying to write every message from scratch, you’ll default back to what you know best which is your own product/service.

Start with a template and create a few versions. Then all you have to do is pick the relevant template for who you’re reaching out to, put in your personalization, and hit send.

Personalization with AI

If you’re not already using Apollo, you’re missing out! It does everything from finding contact details to sequencing and even AI personalization.

One of the most time-consuming parts of prospecting is figuring out how to personalize your email. Apollo can help with that.

Install the Apollo Chrome extension after you sign up for a free account.

Navigate to anyone’s LinkedIn profile.

Open the Apollo tab on the right side of your browser and you’ll see a pop-up like this. Then click on the “Preview AI email” button.

Update the “product info” section with details about your offering. You’ll only have to do this once!

Click on generate email opener.

Now there are 5 different openers to choose from. Some won’t be very good and others will give you a great starting point.

This process takes 1 minute and you’re able to personalize your emails to stand out from all the noise.


Simplify your prospecting by fixing these 3 elements

  1. Them vs You

  2. Short emails

  3. Personalize

Use email templates to keep your messages short and focused on the prospect. Use Apollo or other AI tools to quickly write a personalized line that you can input into your template.

This will cut your research and email writing down significantly so you can get more high-quality messages out.

Episode 33: [Sales] Start with the problem not your solution with Sylwia Mankowska

  • Start with the problem not the solution

  • Take opportunities that open up to you

  • Sales is great at teaching adaptability

  • The best sales reps make recommendations

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Recommended Products & Tools: We’ve used every one of these products and can highly recommend them to you. Everything from CRMs to AI tools.

20-Day Prospecting Challenge: This is a daily prospecting challenge to help find more opportunities and exceed your quota. One email. One action. Every day for 20 days. Ready to take the challenge?

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  1. Succession for Reps: A skill development platform for life science sales reps who want to improve their sales skills, exceed their quota, and take the next step in their career.

  2. Succession for Teams: If you’re a sales leader who’s frustrated with reps living in reactive mode and either not proactively generating new opportunities or letting prospects go dark, reach out to learn more about our team plans.

  3. AI-Powered Prospecting: We’ll build you an AI-powered prospecting machine to book qualified sales meetings with biotech and pharma companies.

  4. Strategy Call: Need more than training? Want help implementing and executing your sales strategy? In a 30-minute call, we will assess your company’s current situation and identify growth opportunities.


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